FAQ - Professionals

  • How can I book a hairstylist through Celebraids?

    You can browse our curated hairstylist profiles on our website and select the one that suits your preferences. Click on the "Book Now" button to initiate the booking process.

  • Can I book a hairstylist for an event or special occasion?

    Absolutely! Many of our hairstylists specialize in event styling. Simply mention your requirements in the booking form, and we'll match you with the right hairstylist.

  • What if I'm unsure about the kind of hairstyle I want?

    Our hairstylists are experienced professionals who can provide guidance and suggestions based on your preferences and needs. Feel free to discuss your ideas during the consultation.

FAQ - Enthusiasts

  • What is the mission of Celebraids?

    Celebraids is dedicated to celebrating and empowering textured hair enthusiasts and hairstylists. Our mission is to create a platform that promotes representation, creativity, and collaboration within the textured hair industry.

  • Can I reach out to Celebraids for collaborations or partnerships?

    Absolutely! We're open to collaborations and partnerships that align with our mission. Please use the contact information provided on our website to get in touch.

  • How can I stay updated with Celebraids news and events?

    Stay connected with us by following our social media accounts and subscribing to our newsletter. This way, you'll never miss out on exciting updates, events, and new hairstylist additions.

FAQ - Talents

  • How can I become a part of the Celebraids team as a hairstylist or salon?

    You can apply to join Celebraids by filling out our application form on the "Apply Now" page. Our team will review your application, and if it aligns with our criteria, we will be in touch with you.

  • What benefits do I receive by joining Celebraids as a hairstylist or salon?

    Celebraids offers a platform to showcase your work, connect with clients, and be part of a community of talented hairstylists. You'll have the opportunity to collaborate on projects and gain exposure in the entertainment industry.

  • How does Celebraids promote its hairstylists and salons?

    We promote our hairstylists and salons through our website, social media channels, and industry partnerships. Your work will be featured in our online portfolio and shared across various platforms.

Please note that these FAQs provide general information.
For more specific inquiries, feel free to contact us at info@celebraids.com.